Saturday, 28 April 2018

what is bavana mudthasanam | பவன முத்ராசனம்


what is bavana mudthasanam | பவன முத்ராசனம்
The computer has to sit down for several hours everyday. Added,
There is a need to travel long distances in trains. 33 types
Our spine is the bone of the bones.

 All sorts of back pain can be solved by yoga. Bhavana Mukthasana,
Sage Vajrasana, Marjari Asanam, Bhujangasana, Vyakarasanam, Thatasanam, Kudra Chakrasanam, Mararasana, Tanurasanam
All of these are adjustments for back pain.

Bhavana Mukthasana
 First you have to lie down. Right leg blade on the right leg
To get near the stomach. Then,
Patiently kneeling hands and kneeling off the knee with both hands
Need to bring it near.
You need to bring the knee closer to the chest. At this stage
Must be up to 10 seconds.
Or 3 times to slow down the breath. Then, slowly dropping the hands,
The legs should be slowly dying.
 Likewise, the left should be highlighted. Thus, the right - to change the left legs
3 times to do.
Then fold both legs and put them near the chest,
Keep the stomach upright and let it slowly drag the breath.
 Good training for lower and middle back pain. Exit the unwanted gases in the stomach.
Stomach is not good because of stress. The digestive organs work well.
Suitable for people with diabetes.

yoga tips in Tamil | யோகா குறிப்புகள்


yoga tips in Tamil | யோகா குறிப்புகள்
Yoga, meditation, breathing,
Or the North Face face is good. It's good to wear cotton clothes.
The body is too tight and should not be painful when pressing.
Likewise the clothes should not be too much.
 Those who have no time-lapse, meditate in the morning, breathe,
Yoga training can also be done in the evening.

what is atho muga suvanasanam in Tamil | சுவனாசனம்


what is atho muga suvanasanam in Tamil | சுவனாசனம்
First you need to get rid of the spinal cord.
Then the two legs are to be joined together and extended to the back.
Place the two palms on the floor by the chest. Fingers should be forwarded at the time.
Brush the back of the head, hip and pin upwards and bend the back.
Wipe the waist upwards, bringing the head downward and pulling the head down
Put the scalp on the ground. The legs should not be grown in the face. Foot paws are full
On the floor should be registered. Hands should be straight and not straight. This condition lasted for about 30 seconds
Then, inhaling the breath, lifting the heels from the ground, dropping the waist down and heading the ground
You have to take away from your breath.

uses :
The spine of the spine helps you get rid of sprains. The back of the thighs makes the knee and ankle areas hardened.
It spins the spinal cord. Provides stability to both hands and feet.
This asana is the best seat for shoulder pain to strengthen and strengthen.
It increases blood clot on the head and makes the body active.
Helps reduce belly from fat in the stomach. The neck makes the bones firm.
It helps to repair the diseases in the reproductive organs.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

what is sasangasanam in Tamil | சாசங்கசனம்


what is sasangasanam in Tamil | சாசங்கசனம்
Animals like dog goat cat stretch bones and break lethargy and then rush faster
Sasankasana is the asana that can be done like this.
Lift both arms in the sweeping position and put the body in the hands of the body without having to breathe. You have to go back up to twenty numbers. Simple to pull the general breath.
Making the first five to five times is enough.

Suitable for women. You can do the men too.
Stomach muscles are tightened because of constipation.

what is Utthita padmsanam in Tamil | உதித்த பத்மாசனம்


what is Utthita padmsanam in Tamil | உதித்த பத்மாசனம்
Sit at the stage of Padmasakana. Both hands are on the ground and the body is as high as possible
You have to do it ten seconds.

Constipation This should be the solution for the diabetes mellitus, which is well maintained by the shoulder barrier.

what is pirai asanam in Tamil | பிறை ஆசனம்


what is pirai asanam in Tamil | பிறை ஆசனம்
This asana is very simple. The third crescent moon is gently growing and beautiful
If you are doing this seat, the diseases will get healed.

Asthma, stomach diseases, diabetes, heart palpitations, stomach disorders etc.

what is yoga mudrasanam in Tamil | யோகமுத்ரா


what is yoga mudrasanam in Tamil | யோகமுத்ரா
From the padmasa position you have to do. Come with the left hand and right wrist with the left hand
You have to catch it.It will bend as much as possible in the picture.Then it is better to get out of the breath.

The back bone is straight.The body will have a youthfulness, and the stomach will last long and remain healthy. Kundalini power will rise. Especially the constipation will stop.

Monday, 9 April 2018

what is ardha halasanam in Tamil | அர்த்த ஹலாசனம்


By doing these asanas, the organs of the stomach will be strengthened
Vaginal bleeding in the thighs bottles. Diseases can not occur.

Sunday, 8 April 2018

what is sivalingasanam in Tamil | சிவலிங்காசனம்


By doing this asana, there will be no disease.

This aspect has the meaning of karnabitasana. If you continue to do this, the thyroid problem will be correct.

When this asana is performed, the blood circulation will be improved by the body's curvature of the colon gland.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

what is halasanam in Tamil | ஹலாசனம்


Halasanam This pose cures the symptoms of our ear throat and eye. This asana plays a vital role in the elderly period. It has the power to heal the disease.

Removing the body wastes increases the power of the scalp.

Friday, 6 April 2018

6 yoga benefit in Tamil | 6 ஆசனங்களின் பயன்கள்


All of these asanas that I can say can be simple. It is good that all of us know the benefits.Each oasis must be learned properly and have to learn it properly.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

what is sarvangasanam in Tamil | சர்வாங்காசனம்


what is sarvangasanam in Tamil | சர்வாங்காசனம்
By doing this asana, the body will be healthy. Thyroid problems can be adjusted. If you continue to do this persistence, you may be younger. Removal of the unwanted fleshy parts of the body will regulate the body. Apart from that, the ginger problem is correct. The bulk of this seat is the most powerful force for people with thyroid.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

What is kucudasanam in Tamil | குக்குடாசனம்


Kucudasana is a mood through which this asana is done. The kucudam is the meaning of the chicken. The stomach stops. This asana will help our liver to perform well. The upper arm is in the hands of the hands and arms and the arms will get more strength.